About Alron

Environment & efficiency
in harmony

Scandinavia's leading supplier of microbiological products, systems and services to the decontamination industry.

The company was formed 1977 by Associate Professor Alvin Ronlán together with a group of professors from LTH and the Royal Institute of Technology and is one of the first spin-off companies from Lund University and Technical University.

The company's motto is and has always been "environmental & Efficiency in harmony" and expresses the belief that with the application of modern research and technology it is possible to develop chemical products that are economical and efficient without compromising being Health or the environment.

Alrons business concept is based on the transformation of research results in the areas of microbiology, organic chemistry and surface chemistry into practically useful products and methods.

A product portfolio in line with the BPR

2015, Alron Chemical AB began preparations for the forthcoming BPD BPR.

Alrons primary objective of the preparations was to develop a completely new product portfolio of hydrogen peroxide-related products in line with existing directives that could achieve a better efficiency and environmental profile.

A product portfolio that would also consolidate Alron Chemicals 40-year history and experience. The development of new formulations took place in collaboration with RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) and DTI (Danish Technological Institute). The formulations also underwent 12 months of field tests with Alrons customers with very successful results.

The result was products with significantly increased efficiency and improved environmental profile, products that left oxygen and water as residues. i.e. no hazardous residues.

We are ISO certified

ISO9001 - Quality | ISO14001 - Environment | ISO45001 - Health and Safety.