Mold remediation & Oxidizers
During our 45 years in the industry, mold remediation has been a central part of our work and during this time we have acquired a broad knowledge and solid experience in the problem areas of odor, mold & disinfection. With the help of modern research and our own development, we have developed a unique and environmentally friendly product range of peroxide-based products for mold remediation, odor remediation and disinfection. Highly effective products, fully in line with the ECHA Biocides Regulation and guaranteed not to leave dangerous chemical residues.
Alron Citrox ®
Mold remediation & Oxidizers -
Odox ®
Mold remediation & Oxidizers -
Odox-DF ®
Mold remediation & Oxidizers -
Penetrox ®
Mold remediation & Oxidizers -
Maxox - DF
Mold remediation & Oxidizers -
Mold remediation & Oxidizers -
Alron Booster - Bleaching
Mold remediation & Oxidizers -
Alron Booster - Fire
Mold remediation & Oxidizers
Alron's remedies for mould remediation
Alron's mold remediation agents are developed and formulated to be as powerful and effective as possible when applied but at the same time contribute to an environmentally friendly mold remediation / disinfection. This by not leaving environmentally hazardous residues or generating harmful by-products. Alron has chosen to use hydrogen peroxide as the main active component in our mold remediation agents, as the substance has a high oxidation capacity (breaks down and kills mold at the molecular level) while consumed hydrogen peroxide is broken down to only oxygen and water. Moreover, in higher concentrations, hydrogen peroxide has a bleaching effect that can be used in the fight against removing mold and its discolorations, leaving a visually and psychologically cleaner end result.
We are convinced in our theory that it is not necessary to use poison-based products for mould remediation or products that indirectly contribute to the creation of unhealthy indoor environments. One should simply not degrade an indoor environment by adding something to a damage that was not there before the damage occurred. Our mould remedies are versatile and suitable for more than just killing and removing mould. They also work great for disinfection and odor remediation.
What is required for a product to be effective against mould?
For a chemical to be called a disinfectant, it must have properties that enable it to reduce the number of harmful microbes (microorganisms) in a population by at least 99.99% so that the population no longer poses a risk of infection. All our disinfectants(Oxydes HP3, WipeOx series, Odox, Odox-DF, Penetrox, Maxox-DF) have these properties and can be confirmed by laboratory test reports. The most common disinfectants on the market today are either alcohol-based or chlorine salt-based. These relatively cheap chemicals have good disinfecting properties and are widely used today. The disadvantages of these are that alcohol is dehydrating, has a strong smell and requires a high concentration to be effective, which also makes it flammable. Chlorine also has a strong odor, irritates the respiratory tract, causes allergic reactions, forms unwanted by-products (some proven carcinogenic), is highly corrosive and usually has a short shelf life.
Hydrogen peroxide, unlike the two substances mentioned above, has good disinfectant properties even in low concentrations, has a weak chemical odour, is non-drying, non-flammable, has a good shelf life and breaks down to oxygen and water only. These make hydrogen peroxide by far the best alternative and contribute to environmentally friendly disinfection.
Mold remediation that works - for real
More or less all types of damage in the remediation industry have a direct or indirect link to an unpleasant odour. It can be anything from mould, sewage, fire, nicotine, faeces or organic waste that causes this. There is a plethora of products available today that offer quick "solutions" to odour problems. Toxic gases, strong perfumes and spray painting to name a few quick ways to remove bad smells. These methods rarely cure the cause of bad odour but do their job by alleviating the symptoms, which in very few cases is sufficient.
Over the years, Alron has built up a broad knowledge and solid experience in mold remediation and therefore wants to claim that we, together with our oxidizing agents and application techniques, make us Scandinavia's leading experts in the field.